Warrington Wolves legend Paul Wood opens up about ‘dark times’ battling OCD and how he overcame the problem | Rugby League News | Sky Sports

Warrington Wolves legend Paul Wood opens up about ‘dark times’ battling OCD and how he overcame the problem | Rugby League News | Sky Sports

Warrington Wolves legend Paul Wood opened up about the “really dark times” of battling OCD and how he overcame the problem as he guested on Sky Sports podcast, The Bench.

Wood played 339 times for Warrington, winning the Challenge Cup in 2010 and 2012 and League Leaders’ Shield in 2011, and is now a club ambassador for the Wolves.

Speaking to former England team-mate Jon Wilkin and presenter Jenna Brooks, the 42-year-old explained how his OCD manifested itself and the crucial support provided by Warrington.

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Wood said: “When you mention OCD, people think you are organising your CDs – I am showing my age there – and keeping your house tidy, but it is about the intrusive thoughts that you have.

“They might be about family members dying – a raft of thoughts go through your head.

“That’s what drains you because your mind never switches off. You have this washing-machine head and then you have to do these compulsions and rituals to stop the thinking.

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Wood has not had any intrusive thoughts since visiting The Priory

“There were some really dark times. One of the realisations that it was serious was once, when I was around 20, I couldn’t shut my mind up. I was doing all these rituals – pulling the handbrake up in my car, switching light switches off.

‘Warrington were brilliant with me’

“When I went to the doctors at 21 they put me on some sort of antidepressants, just to stop my mind from racing. But it didn’t work, I needed different intervention.

“[One ritual] was leaving my hands under scalding hot taps. I spent 10 or 15 minutes parking my car so it was straight. I can laugh about it now but when you are in it, it takes some effort to combat it.

“They call it magical thinking where if you do these things you think life is going to go a certain way for you. I was trying to think myself out of something I had no control over.

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Wood talks about when he realised his OCD ri

…. to be continued
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